Friday 22 July 2016

It's Been a While

It is now 2 years, 1 month 1 week and 2 days since I joined Arbonne and I am exactly where I need to be... Still a Consultant (in District Manager Qualification) but not for long!

Over the last 2 years I have faced many obstacles that have knocked me off course a bit. But the important thing is, they never de-railed me completely. I never thought, I cannot do this business. I know in my heart, deep within my being I am an ENVP.
After reading Jack Canfield I know my life's purpose is to use my creativity and integrity to support and encourage others to do what they feel passionate about and for them to do it fearlessly, with love in their hearts and belief in their soul! That is my life's purpose!

Over the last 2 years I have had belief in the business and unwavering belief in the products, my issue was, I didn't have the belief in myself. I didn't think I was enough. I mean, why would anyone want to follow me, what did I have to offer? I wasn't a DM, I didn't have any title. How could I possible train people to get to DM if I couldn't get there myself.

I asked the universe for inner strength, determination and unshakable confidence and belief that I can do this business... And boy did the universe deliver... Did I get a boat load of people join? Hell NO"

I had a Stroke! Now, most people are wondering what the hell has that got to do with Arbonne. Well, I asked for inner strength and determination... I was given the perfect opportunity to proof to myself that no matter, I will achieve my goals... the first one was walking! The second one was getting out of hospital in 8 days to pick my boys up from school.

I had a steely determination, even when I had no strength left. I knew what I wanted and I got it. I had so many set backs and Stroke recovery is not linear, it is up and down. One day I could walk to the end of the road, the next I could barely manage getting from one room to another... But the bad days didn't stop me, they gave me even more inner strength to not give up! Every bad I had, I laughed and thanked the universe to giving me strength and determination.

My unshakable confidence and belief in this business cane when I decided to re-launch my business. People I didn't even know came to my aid and even now continue to help and guide me and my now growing team.

To them I am eternally grateful. Even now, the love, support, guidance, strength and encouragement I have received from so many people has been so incredible that I can actually feel my heart beat inside my chest when I think about it and often, like now, end up with a lump in my throat and an tear in my eye. That's how much gratitude I have to this business and the community within it.

The Stroke has taught me so many valuable lessons. I hugely over complicated things in the past with my business, I was re-inventing the wheel and letting my own self confidence, or lack of, pull me down.

I am now back to basics! I am a messenger, sharing a business with a new belief in myself that actually, I AM enough. I might not be a DM... YET!  But that's just a title. In my heart I know I am an ENVP. I know my why and I can share this business with anyone and everyone, with conviction, passion and belief in every aspect.

I don't know everything, and that's okay. I will never, ever know everything, I know what I need to know right now and learning today, what I need to know tomorrow. I am asking for support, help and guidance when I need it. I am using the tools available to me.

I used to have a routine which involved listening to 1 audio a day... seriously... what the ...! Listen to just one audio a day. Now, instead of doing the minimum required then wasting my free time with crap. and not utilising my time, I am doing the minimum, and also filling time with audios and training videos. While cooking, while cleaning, doing laundry etc... I am aware of who is around me and openly speaking to people and growing my names list.

I am an Arbonne Lifer, I signed up to this business for it to be a business and to get to ENVP and I will not stop! I won't even stop when I reach ENVP...  I will stop when there is no breath left in my body... So, Arbonne, I am here, and here to stay.

The universe is working for me and will give me everything I need to become and ENVP, the universe is my biggest cheerleader and constantly delivers all good things to me.

If you are still not where you want to be, realise you are where you need to be. Look at where wast to be and find out exactly what is required to get there... and do it! You are not where you want to be right now because there is something you're not doing. Be 100% honest with yourself and you'll see hat you to do or change.

What is your why? Why are you doing this? Are you so completely passionate  about your why that it sometimes feels overwhelming? If not, it's not big enough, strong enough, scary enough!

I have been through so much in my life, my why is for people to see what I see, for people to feel what I feel. To share love, peace, inner strength and the RE9! I want to give my husband choices in his career, give him the security to follow his dreams. To show my kids that nothing is impossible if you want it enough! To show them that giving up on a dream is not an option. To shower them with belief and love. To show them what determination and tenacity looks like. To show them it's okay to fail, and that if you fall down 100 times... get up 101!!

My why is so much part of me, to give up on Arbonne, will be giving up on my why and giving up on myself! That's not an option! I am an ENVP! Are you? What is your why?

Know you can d this business and that every set back, every no, every obstacle, ever objection is working for you, it is giving you the opportunity to give your inner self what it needs to move forward. Don't given up on yourself.

Sunday 29 November 2015

NOTHING Will Keep Me Down!

So, it's been a while since my last blog and so much has happened since. At the end of September our Landlord informed us he had to sell up and therefor we needed to look for somewhere to live. Our issue was, our landlord was a family friend (still is) and because of that we paid below market value for our house. So finding somewhere was a bit stressful. We found a house, that we could afford (just about) had all the paperwork sorted and a moving date of 30th October was set!

All good, right? Nope! On Thursday the 29th October whilst at a children's Halloween party, I came over all strange, in less than a minute I was on the floor! I vaguely remember a family member shouting for someone to call an ambulance! Everything was vague, and I only remember bits and pieces. I was put in the ambulance and taken to hospital. I remember going in to a room with loads of people doing various things. They were asking me my date of birth and address and I couldn't remember them

I was rushed through to have a CT scan and was then  taken back to A&E Resus. I just remember thinking to myself, this is how I am going to die and feeling devastated that I didn't get to say goodbye to my kids! I didn't get one last hug or kiss!

I was told by the doctors that they believed I'd had a stroke! I was thrombolised straightaway and by this time I had a family member in the room with me.  Finally Mark arrived, I was admitted to the hospital and taken to the stroke ward. I was unable to properly move my right side and could not feel anything. I was completely bed bound for about 2 days!

Saturday the house move went ahead with our family all turning up to help. Both Mark and I were totally overwhelmed with all the support we had. We are definitely blessed to have such amazing family and friends.

By Sunday I was able to actually go to the toilet (with help). Thank god for that, bedpans were just awful and so embarrassing! I had reached my first goal! On Monday it was confirmed I'd had a stroke (Left Posterior Cerebral Infarct). I asked what the chances of getting out by Friday would be, when they asked me why Friday, I burst in to tears! I was just about able to blub "because I want to pick my kids up from school" that was my goal! It then became their goal too!

I had a week of physio and occupational therapy and by lunch time Friday I was discharged with an intense course of home physio. We had called the school and we were able to park in the school grounds, and with help from Mark I made it to our youngest child's class. Seeing his face light up when he saw me was incredible! He ran out and gave me to tightest hug ever. Apparently the other parents all got chocked up! My eldest son came round, saw me and said "Hi, look Mum, I've got the same toy as Dylan!" lol!

It's exactly a month today since my stroke and I am really on the mend. I have physio 3-4 times a week and occupational therapy, I can walk further each week with the aid of a stick, I can now get in and out the shower by myself with the help of a bath board and also get up and down the stairs on my own with my new hand rails!

I am so determined to get back to normal as soon as possible. Taking each day as it comes. One thing I have to say is a huge, enormous thank you to Arbonne and also Tamlyn and Andrew for the strong emphasis on personal development. I can honestly say if it wasn't for that, I would be in a much bleaker place, asking why me?

I know that I cannot change the situation I am in and the only way to control the outcome, is to control how I handle the situation. The way I see it, I've had a stroke, and yes it's horrible but maybe I am going through this now, so that one day I can help and support someone else who goes through this. This is just a life experience I am going through and I intend to come out feeling stronger than ever! Nothing will keep me down!

I look forward to hosting my first Post Stroke Arbonne Event! And for anyone reading this, struggling with anything, remember you are never given more than what you can handle! Take the positives from every situation and nothing can keep you down unless you let it!

Much love and kissed to my Arbonne family xxx

Sunday 6 September 2015

Inspired, Humbled and Blessed! (and slightly emotional)

WOW... WOW... WOW... If you attended AAC UK 2015 then you will know exactly what I mean! My belief and passion for this company was already sky high... now it's up with the stars. I have taken away so much, I have been inspired and humbled by the entire experience.

Before the start of AAC Tamlyn set us all a challenge, to speak to every NVP and ask for their top tips and get a selfie! I managed to speak to 7 incredible (E)NVPs and some amazing tips which I will take on board, these tips will be part of my day, everyday! Forgive the poor image quality but the front of my phone was smashed and the camera was a bit damaged!

Stuart Armfield's Top Tip - Never give up!
 I can honestly say, after what I have seen over the last few days, there is no way on this earth am I ever going to to quit! I am an Arbonne Lifer!
Melanie Dean's Top Tip - Record and Say Positive Affirmations every day
 I asked Melanie for her top tip, her question to me was "Well what are you struggling with right now?" I said I have amazing belief in the company, products and people, but limited belief in myself that I am good enough to do this! So her top tip for me was to review my affirmations and come up with some positive ones for my self-belief, and to record them so I could listen to them everyday, and to also say them every single day!
Scott Campbell's Top Tip - Consistency!!
 Consistency! Simple, one word, yet probably the most important word! I have been up and down so much and I know for a fact that it's down to my own personal lack of consistency. However, knowledge is power and I know I struggle with this, I am aware of this, so now I am aware I know what I need to work on!

Hetty Gifford's Top Tip - Believe you can do it
Part of my lack of belief in myself is belief that I can be consistent enough. Belief that I can be disciplined enough to do it. I keep looking so far down the line and it terrifies me. Can I do this? Do I have what it really takes? So, from now on I will wake up each day and look at just that day... I know I can do it for one day... I have rock solid belief that for one day I can do what needs to be done.... Then the next day when I wake up, I will do the same... day by day!
Caroline and Bill McFarlen's Top Tip - Breathe belief in to your team, that THEY CAN DO IT!
Now, I know I lack belief in myself... wait... hang on... No! I USED to lack belief in myself (Now I know, day by day, I can and will do it) I will make sure my team and even my sidelines know they can do it to and if you are reading this... YOU CAN DO IT! You do have what it takes! Don't 'dig deep' don't 'muster all your strength' just wake up and say "Hey you know what, today, I can do this!" 

Iain Pritchard's Top Tip - Commit to never ending personal development 
 Personal development - If you are not reading and not committing to yourself, then start NOW! A year in to my business, still a consultant - I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart, if I had not been doing personal development then I would have, without a doubt, quit! It's only through my own personal development that I am growing in to the person I need to be. I am growing in to the leader I need to be. I now genuinely feel with all my heart I ready for District. Before I was terrified, now I am ready!
Ella Harper's Top Tip - Do something towards your business every single day!
This is so simple and again, so easy to do. Wake up everyday, do something, anything towards your business... anything, just as long as it is something! A call, a text, a one to one, a product drop off, a zoom call, a follow up, a party, hand out samples, a catalogue... just something (as an absolute minimum)

I do wish that I had managed to speak to Emma Sangster, Gordon Fraser, Gayle Longhurts, Yvonne Dixon and Sarah Dunning. I just know they would have had even more incredible tips! The next time I see them, I will definitely ask them and by that time I will be able to take better pictures!

All the speakers said something that resonated with me, I took amazing golden nuggets from each and every person. But a few did stand out for me. There are just a few that I would like to share. The first is Martine Wright! What a truly wonderful lady with such a gorgeous soul! Please take a moment to watch to watch this video that was played before she spoke! (Grab a tissue)..

"I am lucky to be living this dream right now!" How incredible?! It was amazing listening to her talk, her life passion and personality just shone through. She even joked that with her prosthetic legs, she now has thinner ankles and it 2 inches taller! I felt incredibly humbled by her story and I am so unbelievably grateful to have had the privilege of being in the same room as her and hearing her journey! No matter what you are facing be grateful for the breath you are taking! Be grateful for the lessons you are learning, Be grateful all the experiences life throws at you!

Martine spoke about how her team go to where they did. Their core principles

  1. Respect - Respect everyone for who they are and for the positions they are in. 
  2. Trust - Trust in your team, trust they are doing what they need to do. Trust them to be themselves 
  3. Commitment - Invest as much as you can, when you can. Give it your 100% commitment, even when it all seems too hard, believe in yourself and commit to yourself
  4. Agreed Preference/Communication  (I really like this one) - Agree with your team how they liked to be spoken to/treated. Martine explained that if she missed a shot and someone joked 'right that's it, you're off the team' to her, she would laugh and take the joke. However some people might not, and may take it to heart. Know your team, know how to communicate with them in a way that makes them comfortable.This is so important
Something else she said, which made a lot of sense was, 'Balance expectation with experience' 

Other things I have taken away (I am sat reading all my notes and feeling so emotional again!)  I won't write all of them as you will be here forever, but I have selected some little nugget that really stood out to me! (although to be fair - it was all amazing)

Anna West - You are the captain of your ship - people may want to 'walk the plank' but no matter what... the Captain never abandons their ship! 

Chevan Greenhill - Oh my word, I was in tears and I actually got to speak to her in person, and broke down again even had a lovely hug! Eyes are filling up again now! Stay until... basically... don't quit and never give up on anyone, Stay until you know, stay until you believe, stay until you achieve! . Have patience and believe in yourself. Banish the idea of failure!

Rachel Chan - Be persistent, Use our key advantages to your advantage. 
  1. We have cutting edge products, we all know, love and are passionate about our products. We all know they are amazing and have to be experienced to be believed, so share abundantly, let everyone experience them!
  2. Our compensation plan. We have a hybrid approach we are paid a percentage from the team we lead, coach and mentor. We also earn a great commission from the product sales me make directly... Not to mention the bonuses that are open to us!
  3. Our People - We have an amazingly encouraging community. From our successline, upline, and sidelines to our amazing corporate team. We simply attract the best people!
  4. Our Culture - Wow, I can say with all honesty that the Arbonne Culture is one of a kind. We often get called a 'Cult' and you know what... it's the best Cult in the world! Where else do you find the most loving, caring, genuine and kindest souls?
We really do have a spectacular gift! Now go out and share it! Who are you to  keep all this wonderfulness to yourself? 

We are Pure, Safe and Beneficial GUINNESS WORLD RECORD BREAKERS! And how fitting that the record we broke was for kissing? The most kisses within 30 seconds! 

And seriously, who wouldn't want to be part of this? As someone commented on this video on Facebook "There ain't no party like an Arbonne party!"

Some final notes I have
  • You can be, have and do it all. Have a dream and commit to it! No matter what
  • Be consistent, be humble, be kind. live and work from a place of love, gratitude and abundance
  • Follow your gut instinct. It's not what you are looking at, but what you see!
  • Do more to support others and work with urgency 
  • Set goals, set HUGE goals! 
  • Be a committed student 
  • Dream BIG - Dreams are reality in waiting!
Before I end this blog I need to thank some people for giving me this incredible opportunity. Thank you to my amazing Sister Karen for saying yes! If it wasn't for you sending me the Herbal Nappy Cream and showing me how amazing the products were I would not be where I am today. Thank you Rachel for introducing my sister and not letting my then, clouded judgement, stand in the way! Thank you Tamlyn and Andrew for your commitment, love, support and encouragement. You are both truly amazing leaders and if it wasn't for your continued encouragement I am not sure I'd still be here today! Now I am lifer (You ain't getting rid of me now!) 

I also wanted to thank Caroline and Bill for saying yes! I was so emotional when Caroline spoke and I wanted to find them both and thank them personally but in the chaos I couldn't find them. I hope this message gets to them in some way. I was looking for a way of earning money, when my kidneys fail. I was searching and searching not knowing what I was looking for... then just at the right time Arbonne found it's way to me. It gave me hope, motivation, and something to aim for. It gave me back my passion and zest for life. It has given me so much more than a 'typical' business or job ever could and for that I am truly grateful that Caroline stayed at the dodgy hotel, that she stuck to her goals and made all of this possible! 

And last, but no means least! Thank you to Petter for you vision! I hope you are looking down and feel an enormous sense of pride that because you believed in your vision and the had the courage to make it happen that you have in turn made it possible for so many people to believe in their own vision and have the courage to go for them!

Monday 24 August 2015

Inspiration, Motivation and Dedication!

I was thinking today about all the things and people that inspire and motivate me. I was thinking about a few different things and people and actually felt quite emotional! Since joining Arbonne, I have had a few, what I used to call False Starts. But after reading Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway, I know that I am learning so many new lessons. I am growing myself as a person, obtaining 'life tools' along the way. One thing I know for sure is, the only way I can fail is if I give up... that is NOT an option!

I find inspiration through so many different people. One person in particular my friend Samantha! She is the friend who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 2 days after my Sister's funeral! Because my sister used to always say she was butterfly I made a special plaque, it was going to be for me, but knowing how my sister wanted to help people, I gave it to my friend. I told her my sister would watch over her, she was so thankful and hung it on the fireplace. The day I gave it her, Sam found a single white feather on the chair I was sitting on, also she had a resident butterfly outside her house. 

Sam had read The Secret, she knew she had a special guardian angel and she knew she would be okay! Sam has been amazing, so strong, positive and determined. Whenever she had a wobble, she would randomly find a single white feather and know she was being looked after. She has been an incredible inspiration to me. The beginning of August was her last Chemo, she left home and noticed the butterfly was no longer outside her house, but didn't think much of it. When she got home the plaque she had hung, that hadn't moved since March, was on the floor! Sam saw this as a sign that my sister had moved on, She felt a great deal of strength at that moment!

Amazing Sam doing the Race For Life whilst going through treatment!
Whenever I think 'I can't this, I am not good enough' I always think of Sam, and realise, Yes, yes I can... and I will! During Sam's treatment, she did have wobbles and get upset, but never once did she feel like giving up. Never once did she say this is too hard, despite having some horrendous days, her attitude was Bring It On! She is an incredible soul and I am truly blessed to know her and be part of her life. On an even more positive note... She didn't lose her eye lashes or eyebrows and absolutely believes it's thanks to the It's A Long Story Mascara and the Lash Enhancer (which she also used on her eyebrows!) Her Chemo nurse was shocked and impressed!

As well as Sam, being a great source of inspiration, I also have some songs that I love to listen to. These really get to me and give me goosebumps... especially this one...

I have my vision video that I watch everyday as well, My vision video is more about the non-material things that I want. I also have my vision board and motivation board in my hallway. My vision board, I add to it regularly... the latest edition is a picture of my dream shoes, a pair of Christian Louboutin - Daffodile Strass £3,795.00! My motivation board is a half white board, half cork board. On the white board I have my goals and my daily routine! On the cork board I have printed loads of inspirational quotes and pinned them up. No matter what day it is, how I am feeling I always find an appropriate quote on the board that keeps me going!

I know I have had so many ups and down, so many 'right this is it' moments but I don't see any of it as failure. Each time I start again, I start better than I did before, I take forward new skills I am such a different person to who I was a year ago. I know I still have much learning and growing to do. 

One thing to get me really going, especially after AAC is a game that Mark has made up. It's his Investment Game. The rules are... He will 'invest' £50.00 in to my Arbonne business in September for me to buy somethings I need. During September I have to hit a target of earning £100 minimum, out of that £100 I have to repay Mark £75 back - £50 plus £25 interest which will go in to savings. The other £25 is for me to treat myself and it has to be a treat, something I wouldn't usually buy. Anything over the £100 will go towards savings/date night/family trips etc. If I don't quite make £100 then the shortfall has to come from my money. If I don't make enough to repay Mark, then I forfeit an investment the next month. As my money goes up so will the investment, but the interest will go down!  It's all in the name of fun and I have to admit, I am quite excited about it!

So, let's get this going... I have booked 2 parties for September and I am looking to get at least another 1 more... I am well on my way... so, what shall I spend my £25 on?

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Learning How To Be Consistent!

This is actually a really difficult blog for me to write, as it requires me being brutally honest with not only you guys, but even harder... myself!

Since doing my personal development I have learned so much, and I absolutely believe that it's a vital key to the success of this business... when done consistently. Out of everything I have learned, one thing that is now glaringly obvious, and the reason I am still a consultant is my consistent Inconsistency!

I know what I need to know to promote to the next level and, I know what I need to do. So why have I not promoted yet? Because I get going, build up momentum then, for some reason or another, I stop! I have some great excuses too... I went away for a week, the kids are on their school holidays, I am ill... all 'genuine' excuses, but still, excuses nonetheless!

During July I was picking up momentum, I was reading, talking to people, messaging people, having one on ones and follow ups. Everything was picking up pace, so much so that I was actually struggling to fit meetings in and had to limit my time with each person drastically just to fit it all in!

Then, I went on a week break! I had great intentions of continuing on with my reading each morning, and messaging people, but about an hour in to our journey I realised I left my book at home and it all went to pot! I didn't read, listen to audios or even talk to people! I had some amazing opportunities to speak to new people, but I didn't!

Then when I got home, it was the school holidays and I was feeling incredibly ill! As most of you know I am a childminder and my kidneys are not great so I told my parents (clients) I felt awful, but didn't want to let anyone down so explained I would still work, but it would be a 'chilled' week (as in not loads of activities). Even though I was back home, I still didn't pick up my book!

I had lost all motivation completely! Until I decided to just sort myself out! I knew I wouldn't just be able to pick up from where I left off. I knew I had to start it all again! So I started by just reading 40 minutes a day. Ironically enough it was The Compound Effect and I soon found myself reading about when you are not consistent, it is harder to keep going, and harder still to start again!

It was likened to a park Roundabout. At a complete standstill, it takes effort to actually get moving, you start with one step, and very slowly push through to the next step, and then the next and so on, until you gradually build up a bit of speed! Once you have picked up speed as long as you keep your foot going, you will keep the momentum going and it's much easier! However, if you stop and allow it to come to a standstill, then you have all the hard work of getting it going again!

Here is my issue... I keep getting off the roundabout! So, now I know this I need to get some serious discipline to stop this from happening! Being aware of oneself and understanding how to move forward is important. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn but now I know what I need to work on.

The reason I have not promoted to a District Manager, is because I am NOT a District Manager yet. I am not being consistent and disciplined. I am leading by example and not a very good one at that... leading by 'get going, do a bit, build momentum... then stop' I need to become the best consultant in my team, not when people can see it, but more importantly when people cannot! I need to 'Get going, do a bit, build momentum, keep going'

It is going to be difficult and will require me to actually become more conscious of my actions, to be really honest with myself and keep myself on course!

I am starting my morning routine again, getting back in to some great success habits and now I am more aware of the fact I need to be more disciplined with my consistency. I am looking forward to AAC UK, I am literally like a kid at Christmas! Can't wait to share my experience of it and to meet some amazing, inspirational people!

So, for now I will love you and leave you, but before I go, just wanted to say... Hi my name is Emma and I am an Executive National Vice President!!! :) :)

Tuesday 7 July 2015

What's Happening In July?

Amazing things are really starting to happen! I have kept up with my reading and Audios. Currently reading The Secret right now and all I can say is You have to read it! I am still doing my 2 messages a day, although I have changed it a little bit, I am not sharing the opportunity video as I was finding people were just getting confused. So now I am either sending the presentation or inviting them for coffee or a Zoom. I have had an amazing response! This week alone, I have already had 2 one to ones and got another 4 booked in! As well as follow ups and a product event.

I am also doing the Scott Campbell Bootcamp - and it's amazing! I have now realised I love Cold Market Prospecting (CMP) or as I like to say, making new friends! Using such an amazingly simple system and aiming to speak to 10 people a week! It has been brilliant and I have managed to arrange to meet people that I have never met before!

My mindset has changed massively, before it was all about me! I was looking at it from my point of view, what did I need, instead of looking at what do other people need? I am now literally sharing this business with everyone who is open to hearing about. There is no pressure, no desperation. I actually genuinely want to help people who are willing to help themselves!

From reading The Secret I now have a few new things I do everyday. I have some new affirmations and statements that I say every day. Some I have taken from the book, others are just mine. I also take time to be grateful for my day, for everyone and everything in it!

"I am grateful for everything I have in life. I have all good things in my life and more good things come to me everyday!" "I am thankful for my wonderful, reliable and dedicated Arbonne team who are all amazing!" these are just a couple of things I say. I have this as notes on my phone right on the display so I see it everyday!

I also have my vision board in my hallway with my 'motivation' board right next to it! I have added some things to my vision since this photo such as a Cancer research necklace and my race for life flower and medal as to me it represents my sister, giving and caring!

My vision board - Family time, my new number plates, new house, amazing team etc

This is the hallway corner - my bookshelf at the top which is always growing

My motivation board - When I have a wobble I read this to get me back on track again

Watch out for the Reed Nation in 2017!

All I am doing is reading, audios (personal development is definitely a key ingredient) I do my affirmations and gratitude (knowing exactly where you are going, being grateful for what you have and what you are going to receive) then ACTIVITY! A little bit every day! 2 messages, everyday and I aim to speak to 10 new people a week! That's 24 people a week, now if I don't quite get that, then that's fine, at least I have aimed for it. If you have nothing to aim for then you are literally just floating about in a vast ocean, waiting for something to pass your way!

I have a goal to have at least 2x one to ones a week and 2x product events a month. I also aim for 4 new PCs (150pqv) and also 1x IC (1000pqv) I will absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt be an ENVP - because I know it will mean that I have helped so many people to change their lives! I am so excited right now good things are happening, and I am now attracting positive, reliable, determined, coachable and passionate leaders to my team!

I am also booked to go to AAC UK as well and a seriously cannot wait! Everything is booked, AAC, hotel, babysitter... All I need now is the dress! I really hope to see you all there! Happy Sharing everyone!

Thursday 25 June 2015

Book Review - The Chimp Paradox

Before I start the book review let me introduce you to my Chimp, Benny. He is a naughty little so and so who loves cake and chocolate and always tries to convince me to eat lots of the stuff!! He also has low self-esteem and worries about what people think of him a lot of the time. But I am working with him on that! 

Now, for those of you who have not read the book, no I haven't gone an bought a pet Chimp and no I haven't lost the plot either! I have, however, come to realise that I am in a much better position to deal with my cravings, urges, insecurities and fears in a more effective manner... By talking to myself... well, my Chimp, Benny.

You see, I love a good analogy, if you have read most my blogs you will see I tend to have a few thrown in some of them. Analogies are how I make sense of the world, when I am trying to understand something and I am struggling or confused by it, I try to think of an analogy that does make sense to me.

In the book The Chimp Paradox, Professor Steve Peters explains how your brain works and uses the analogy of Chimps, Humans, Computers, Gremlins, Goblins, Auto-Pilots and an inner universe with different planets and moons! Sounds complicated? But honestly, as you read it, it all makes sense. The book eases you in gently.

One of the first things you do is to name your Chimp, as I said, mine is called Benny. My husband's is called Tommy. What's funny about this is 'Tom' is actually the name of Mark's Granddad who sadly passed away last year, and Benny, is the name of his Granddad's brother! It's wasn't until we 'introduced our Chimps' that we clicked! How bizarre, but in a good, funny and sort of reassuring way.

The reason you name your Chimp is so you can create a kind of 'detachment' if you like from it. Your Chimp is the highly emotional side of you, and the human is a calm rational side of you. You when you argue with yourself, well that is you, arguing with your Chimp! By having a Chimp you can talk to it, as opposed to yourself!

An example of this was when I was going to Ruth's house to do some training with her before her launch. I was so nervous as it was at her parents house, and I had never met them before! I was worried... Sorry, Benny was worried that her parents wouldn't like him, but because I had started to read the book, I was able to talk to Benny and reason with him. I kid you not, in the car on the way here, this was our conversation!

Benny "Oh my god, what if Ruth's parents think I have conned her, what if they think I am scammer out to get her money, they won't understand I am genuine!"
Me "Benny, it's okay to be nervous, but you know in your heart that you are none of those things, you know in your heart that you are a kind, caring person who just likes to help people"
Benny "But what if they are horrible to me? How am I going to react? What if they hate me? What if I say the wrong thing?
Me "Benny, at the end of the day, you are a nice person, you have an amazing business, and you are genuine. Ruth's parents could be rude and not understand, but I will explain it all and it will be fine. I know you are worried, but let me handle this"

By the time I got to the door I was full of confidence. I went in, met Ruth's parents and they were so lovely! They are so incredibly supportive of Ruth which is amazing - Had I not talked Benny down I would have gone in as a bag of nerves! Ruth's parents of course would have still been lovely, but I would have wasted time and energy fearing something that was just in my head!

I definitely recommend this book to anyone! It really opens up your eyes and makes it so clear, You can tell when someone's Chimp is talking and when their human is talking and it puts you in such a great place to deal with situations. Now when Mark and I talk, if he has had a bad day or experience at work, I can talk to him and his Chimp "Right, Tommy, now it is time for you to exercise, get it off your chest and tell me how you're feeling, but when you're done I would like to speak to Mark!"

There is so much to this book and with each chapter you learn some thing new. You get to learn a new skill or technique for all areas of your life! Both Benny and I loved it. He likes it because I understand him better and I love it because I can MANAGE him better!