Tuesday 17 June 2014

Getting excited now!

So, I signed up to become an Arbonne Independent Consultant on Friday 13th June 2014 - Now I know some people would say that's a bad sign, but I found out I was pregnant with my first child on Friday 13th May 2005, and that turned out not so bad!!

As soon as I signed up my sister Karen, who is my sponsor, sent me a few emails containing documentation to read, got me linked up with the Whats-app group chat and advised me of all the Facebook groups to join. She also got a load of samples ready to send down to me as we live almost 200 miles apart! 

Today Tuesday 17th June, after making my 5yr old a Very Hungry Caterpillar paper plate mask for his very first assembly... tomorrow! I received a lovely little package! These are the wonderful goodies that hid inside the lovely little package! I had a look through them and could not resist trying out one of the foundations! I read through the little leaflets and sorted everything out in to a nice neat box. Unfortunately I would have to wait before really getting stuck in as I had to collect a child and get back to work.

During the day I received a message saying that my Arbonne package had arrived and was delivered to my neighbour as I was out! WOW! Two packages in one day, it's like Christmas in June! Although I had to contain myself as I didn't finish work until 5.30pm today! As soon as I could, I ran next door to collect my Arbonne package, my elderly neighbour handed me the box and said "Cor, it's quite heavy, are you growing a tree?" noticing the look on my face, he pointed out the natural look of the box and he noticed it said 'BEAUTIFUL TREE'  on the top of the box! After a little giggle I proudly told him I was an "Independent consultant for an excellent Swiss formulated, botanical beauty, health and wellness company!" and that these were my goodies! Oh that felt good! 

 Eeek! Excited! Ohhhh! Contain excitement, take photo for blog! Can't find phone! Argh! Want to open box! Where is phone? Want a photo for my blog! Ah, I know, use house phone to call mobile phone (this happens too often in my house!) find phone - on the sofa! Take photo... phew - Now the fun can begin!!!

So, here it is... my Arbonne starter kit! It has lots of samples of their flagship product, RE9 Advanced, catalogues, and some reading material! I really wanted to get stuck in there and then, but I had a childminding client due this evening, so after opening it up, having a look and taking some pics, I had to put it all away again! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get time to go through all the stuff tonight, just had enough time to write this blog! It is now almost 11.30pm and I have to be up at 5.45am! *yikes*

But before I go and find my pillow... I have my launch parties booked... yes... PARTIES, as in plural, that's right! Not one but two! My first one is Friday 27th June at 7.30pm and the other, on Saturday 28th June at 1.30pm! I have the lovely Rachael Lalji doing my launch, normally your own sponsor would do this, but as my sister is so far away and as Rachael is Karen's sponsor, she has kindly offered to help with me.

So, there you have it... Sign up done, samples and starter kit received and launch parties booked not bad going eh?

P.S. Here is my crafty handy work for my son's costume! Teamed up with a green star Onsie! This photo was taken before I remembered to cut eye holes in - yes I did forget!

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