Monday, 6 October 2014

It's been a while!

Okay so it has been a little while since my last blog and my life has been crazy busy and I have been pulled in all directions! First of all I have my 'day job' which as you know is my Childminding, then I had the incredible opportunity to take joint ownership of a local Pre-School, and then there is Arbonne and my Kidney disease!

So, I had an awful lot of work to do these past few weeks with the new Pre-School, getting the legal stuff sorted and getting it running with the other new owner. I have had so much paperwork to sift through and revise, a new website to create, sort out Payroll, looking at the finances for the year and go on a marketing drive!

As well as that, my kidneys are also not behaving terribly well, I have been getting a pain on my left side and apparently a scan in January 2014 showed that my left drainage tube was slightly dilated, at the time it was nothing to worry about as although it was more dilated than normal, it was within normal parameters and causing no issues... In fact, I wasn't even told about this until a couple of weeks ago! So with me new symtoms I am now being sent for another scan! I have felt so unwell recently and with all the work for the Pre-School and my childminding, Arbonne took a back seat!

Everything Arbonne stopped! Training, reading, talking... I mean everything and as the days went on I became less and less interested. Until I woke up and realised almost three weeks had gone by! I was feeling crappy, unwell and quite frankly I was a miserable moo! Then my lovely husband talked to me about re-joining the gym again, to get my energy back up, encourage me to eat healthy again - I have bit a litt bit (a lot) naughty lately!

So, last week I had my induction and this week I have a training session. On top of that, I have also written out a weekly plan... A time table for my life... starting at 6am when I get up right through to 10.30pm when I go to bed, I have clearly marked out times for certain things such as, Pre-School work, Childminding work, Arbonne work, gym, rest breaks, family time and READING!

I have started to talk to people about Arbonne again, even arranged two product events, and will be arranging a 1-1 presentation for this week. I have made sure that my goals are realistic and I am making sure I am not over doing it!

When I first started Arbonne I went in all guns blazing, I was like a walking, talking, bottle of pure concentrated Arbonne-ness! I lasted a long while as well, but I burnt out! I was so fixed on getting to this level by this date, and that level by that date, and I gave myself incredibly challenging targets and began to make myself ill trying to get to them!

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying don't set challenging targets, or don't aim for the next level, I am all for setting targets and having somewhere to aim for, but I am now realising that it is not all about just having a target, you need to have clear direction on how you are going to get there.

Imagine deciding you want to drive somewhere you have never been before, you get all packed up, load the car, get in and drive... You have no idea which direction to go, so you just wing it! By doing this you might very well get to where you want to go, but chances are you will keep trying, keep getting lost then lose heart and give up!

Now imagine, you are going to the same place, you have done your packing and loaded your car. You have then also planned your route, you have a clear guide on where you are going and how you will get there! There may be roadworks and diversions, but by following your plan, and taking on board the advice for the diversion, you have a much better chance of reaching your destination.

I have done my time table - my route plan, I know what I need to do and when and I also have clear breaks so I don't 'run out of fuel' and break down.

I have now revised my targets and I will be DM in December.

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