Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Getting going and loving it!

Well, it's happened! I turned 30! Friday 4th July - lots of celebrations and Champagne, and I feel fab! I can definitely tell my 30's will be an amazing time for me and family!

Me and my sister Karen - who is also my sponsor - Close from the very beginning!!

Apparently, I used to wake up and go in to my sister's room and watch for hours while she played with her make up - Funny how some things never change!!

Ahh, my sister was on the water while I had her share of the Moet!

Celebrating my 30th in style! 

Happy Birthday to me, this was Day 3 of the celebrations! Thank heaven for Arbonne and their wonderful make up range!

Before my Birthday I had my 121, which went amazingly well! It was so relaxed and so much fun. I love the fact there is no pressure, no 'hard sell' it literally is just recommending an amazing product to people. I left the RE9 Gold Bag as well as some other wonderful goodies for the whole weekend with my friend! I went back for the follow up and my friend loved the products and ordered a few more bits which was just amazing!

I have read some posts about how some consultants have been really rude to people who did not want to sign up to the whole business, scoffing "well, if you don't want to change your life then FINE!" which is just absolutely horrible! My friend did not want to sign to the business, and that is totally okay, everyone is different. She did sign as a preferred client, as she wanted to be able to order a few items and wanted the discount! However, if she told me that she was not interested at all, that would have been fine! 

So, if you are reading this as a possible client, preferred client or potential consultant then please remember, no one should ever put pressure on you! Yes I believe Arbonne has the most amazing products and is an absolutely fabulous business model but, it is not for everyone! If you are a consultant, then please remember, you are sharing this wonderful opportunity, not 'selling' it! Never pressure anyone, or ever anyone feel stupid for not feeling the same as you!

I have two new consultants under me, one wants to make this a real change in her life and the other wants to just earn a little extra cash! One wants to do everything she can to earn the money to take over her current income and the other simply wants to have 121's and make clients/preferred clients, within the fitness and nutrition sector, both of which are totally fine. I will do my very best to support, encourage and motivate my consultants in their chosen directions! 

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