It is now 2 years, 1 month 1 week and 2 days since I joined Arbonne and I am exactly where I need to be... Still a Consultant (in District Manager Qualification) but not for long!
Over the last 2 years I have faced many obstacles that have knocked me off course a bit. But the important thing is, they never de-railed me completely. I never thought, I cannot do this business. I know in my heart, deep within my being I am an ENVP.
After reading Jack Canfield I know my life's purpose is to use my creativity and integrity to support and encourage others to do what they feel passionate about and for them to do it fearlessly, with love in their hearts and belief in their soul! That is my life's purpose!
Over the last 2 years I have had belief in the business and unwavering belief in the products, my issue was, I didn't have the belief in myself. I didn't think I was enough. I mean, why would anyone want to follow me, what did I have to offer? I wasn't a DM, I didn't have any title. How could I possible train people to get to DM if I couldn't get there myself.
I asked the universe for inner strength, determination and unshakable confidence and belief that I can do this business... And boy did the universe deliver... Did I get a boat load of people join? Hell NO"
I had a Stroke! Now, most people are wondering what the hell has that got to do with Arbonne. Well, I asked for inner strength and determination... I was given the perfect opportunity to proof to myself that no matter, I will achieve my goals... the first one was walking! The second one was getting out of hospital in 8 days to pick my boys up from school.
I had a steely determination, even when I had no strength left. I knew what I wanted and I got it. I had so many set backs and Stroke recovery is not linear, it is up and down. One day I could walk to the end of the road, the next I could barely manage getting from one room to another... But the bad days didn't stop me, they gave me even more inner strength to not give up! Every bad I had, I laughed and thanked the universe to giving me strength and determination.
My unshakable confidence and belief in this business cane when I decided to re-launch my business. People I didn't even know came to my aid and even now continue to help and guide me and my now growing team.
To them I am eternally grateful. Even now, the love, support, guidance, strength and encouragement I have received from so many people has been so incredible that I can actually feel my heart beat inside my chest when I think about it and often, like now, end up with a lump in my throat and an tear in my eye. That's how much gratitude I have to this business and the community within it.
The Stroke has taught me so many valuable lessons. I hugely over complicated things in the past with my business, I was re-inventing the wheel and letting my own self confidence, or lack of, pull me down.
I am now back to basics! I am a messenger, sharing a business with a new belief in myself that actually, I AM enough. I might not be a DM... YET! But that's just a title. In my heart I know I am an ENVP. I know my why and I can share this business with anyone and everyone, with conviction, passion and belief in every aspect.
I don't know everything, and that's okay. I will never, ever know everything, I know what I need to know right now and learning today, what I need to know tomorrow. I am asking for support, help and guidance when I need it. I am using the tools available to me.
I used to have a routine which involved listening to 1 audio a day... seriously... what the ...! Listen to just one audio a day. Now, instead of doing the minimum required then wasting my free time with crap. and not utilising my time, I am doing the minimum, and also filling time with audios and training videos. While cooking, while cleaning, doing laundry etc... I am aware of who is around me and openly speaking to people and growing my names list.
I am an Arbonne Lifer, I signed up to this business for it to be a business and to get to ENVP and I will not stop! I won't even stop when I reach ENVP... I will stop when there is no breath left in my body... So, Arbonne, I am here, and here to stay.
The universe is working for me and will give me everything I need to become and ENVP, the universe is my biggest cheerleader and constantly delivers all good things to me.
If you are still not where you want to be, realise you are where you need to be. Look at where wast to be and find out exactly what is required to get there... and do it! You are not where you want to be right now because there is something you're not doing. Be 100% honest with yourself and you'll see hat you to do or change.
What is your why? Why are you doing this? Are you so completely passionate about your why that it sometimes feels overwhelming? If not, it's not big enough, strong enough, scary enough!
I have been through so much in my life, my why is for people to see what I see, for people to feel what I feel. To share love, peace, inner strength and the RE9! I want to give my husband choices in his career, give him the security to follow his dreams. To show my kids that nothing is impossible if you want it enough! To show them that giving up on a dream is not an option. To shower them with belief and love. To show them what determination and tenacity looks like. To show them it's okay to fail, and that if you fall down 100 times... get up 101!!
My why is so much part of me, to give up on Arbonne, will be giving up on my why and giving up on myself! That's not an option! I am an ENVP! Are you? What is your why?
Know you can d this business and that every set back, every no, every obstacle, ever objection is working for you, it is giving you the opportunity to give your inner self what it needs to move forward. Don't given up on yourself.