Thursday, 25 June 2015

Book Review - The Chimp Paradox

Before I start the book review let me introduce you to my Chimp, Benny. He is a naughty little so and so who loves cake and chocolate and always tries to convince me to eat lots of the stuff!! He also has low self-esteem and worries about what people think of him a lot of the time. But I am working with him on that! 

Now, for those of you who have not read the book, no I haven't gone an bought a pet Chimp and no I haven't lost the plot either! I have, however, come to realise that I am in a much better position to deal with my cravings, urges, insecurities and fears in a more effective manner... By talking to myself... well, my Chimp, Benny.

You see, I love a good analogy, if you have read most my blogs you will see I tend to have a few thrown in some of them. Analogies are how I make sense of the world, when I am trying to understand something and I am struggling or confused by it, I try to think of an analogy that does make sense to me.

In the book The Chimp Paradox, Professor Steve Peters explains how your brain works and uses the analogy of Chimps, Humans, Computers, Gremlins, Goblins, Auto-Pilots and an inner universe with different planets and moons! Sounds complicated? But honestly, as you read it, it all makes sense. The book eases you in gently.

One of the first things you do is to name your Chimp, as I said, mine is called Benny. My husband's is called Tommy. What's funny about this is 'Tom' is actually the name of Mark's Granddad who sadly passed away last year, and Benny, is the name of his Granddad's brother! It's wasn't until we 'introduced our Chimps' that we clicked! How bizarre, but in a good, funny and sort of reassuring way.

The reason you name your Chimp is so you can create a kind of 'detachment' if you like from it. Your Chimp is the highly emotional side of you, and the human is a calm rational side of you. You when you argue with yourself, well that is you, arguing with your Chimp! By having a Chimp you can talk to it, as opposed to yourself!

An example of this was when I was going to Ruth's house to do some training with her before her launch. I was so nervous as it was at her parents house, and I had never met them before! I was worried... Sorry, Benny was worried that her parents wouldn't like him, but because I had started to read the book, I was able to talk to Benny and reason with him. I kid you not, in the car on the way here, this was our conversation!

Benny "Oh my god, what if Ruth's parents think I have conned her, what if they think I am scammer out to get her money, they won't understand I am genuine!"
Me "Benny, it's okay to be nervous, but you know in your heart that you are none of those things, you know in your heart that you are a kind, caring person who just likes to help people"
Benny "But what if they are horrible to me? How am I going to react? What if they hate me? What if I say the wrong thing?
Me "Benny, at the end of the day, you are a nice person, you have an amazing business, and you are genuine. Ruth's parents could be rude and not understand, but I will explain it all and it will be fine. I know you are worried, but let me handle this"

By the time I got to the door I was full of confidence. I went in, met Ruth's parents and they were so lovely! They are so incredibly supportive of Ruth which is amazing - Had I not talked Benny down I would have gone in as a bag of nerves! Ruth's parents of course would have still been lovely, but I would have wasted time and energy fearing something that was just in my head!

I definitely recommend this book to anyone! It really opens up your eyes and makes it so clear, You can tell when someone's Chimp is talking and when their human is talking and it puts you in such a great place to deal with situations. Now when Mark and I talk, if he has had a bad day or experience at work, I can talk to him and his Chimp "Right, Tommy, now it is time for you to exercise, get it off your chest and tell me how you're feeling, but when you're done I would like to speak to Mark!"

There is so much to this book and with each chapter you learn some thing new. You get to learn a new skill or technique for all areas of your life! Both Benny and I loved it. He likes it because I understand him better and I love it because I can MANAGE him better!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Destination Set ENVP!

The engine is on, I am in gear, my foot is on the accelerator and the GPS is set! Destination ENVP!

Anyone who has read my blogs will know the journey I have gone through to get to this point, I have tried so hard but my failing has been with my inconsistency. Reading 5 days out of 7, listening to 4 audios in a day and nothing for 3 days, speaking to people but not being consistent in my follows up.

I have always had a rock solid belief in this business and the Arbonne family, that has never waivered or faltered! However, my belief in myself has! Do I have what it takes? Can I really lead a team of people to achieve their own success? Am I strong enough? Am I good enough?

I have been so incredibly fortunate to have the support and guidance of Tamlyn and Andrew Samuel and by listening and more importantly doing everything they have told me, I know that actually I do have what it takes! Everyone has what it takes. It's never a question of 'do I have what it takes?' but more, 'Am I willing to DO what it takes?'

I feel so confident about how am I getting to my destination because I have it set in my GPS - Simple, daily disciplines that I know I have to do every single day without fail! I am absolutely reading a minimum of 10 pages a day and listening to an audio every single day. Every night I go to my Sound Cloud app, select my audio for the morning, my alarm is set for 5.20am. I turn my alarm off and press play! I listen to the audio, then with so much excitement and motivation I get up, get a Fizz stick and read my 10 pages (minimum) After that I send 2 messages to 2 new people!

These 2 messages have totally been a game changer for me!  I will be honest, at first I struggled - I was messaging people and trying to start up a natural conversation and then seeing where I could fit Arbonne in. After a quick Zoom with Tamlyn and Andrew (whilst actually doing my makeup getting ready for the school run! Multi-tasking) I was given a new structure to message people - no beating about the bush, no BS - Just to the point!

This method has been brilliant, I am messaging people that I would not have known how to before. I was told to use the 4 four quadrants of communication Fact. Belief. Feelings. Ask. So message someone and start of with a Fact "Hi 'Jane' hope you're well. As you know I recently started a new business to give me an additional income" or "Hi 'Rob' I know I have spoken to you before about my new business venture" whatever the FACT is... Then go on to your belief, "I really believe that given your existing business as a beauty therapist this could be perfect for you" or "I believe that this could be something you would be interested in, or at least know someone who might be" after that go on to the feelings, "I would love for you to hear more about it" or "I am so excited, and can't wait for to hear more about it" then ASK! I like to use the Eric Worre "If I/Would you?"

At this point I will just quickly explain - before I was trying to invite people out for coffee so I could do a proper 121 with them, but again Tamlyn and Andrew advised me to work smart, not hard and instead of trying to get everyone out for a coffee and potentially wasting so much time, why not send them the link to the Arbonne Opportunity video instead, then if they are interested you know you are not wasting your time at all!

So, back to the messages - I usually say something along the lines of " If I was to send you a short 6 minute video, would you be open to watching it and having a chat with me afterwards?"

Send a message to TWO new people, EVERY... SINGLE... DAY! That is 14 a week, 60 a month - Now, of course some people will totally blank your message - but most people will be intrigued, these are the responses I have had so far... "Oh yes, sure, I am intrigued!" "Of course, send it over I will take a look" and "Send me the link and I will certainly give it a watch" So far I have messaged over 20 people out of that 20 only 4 people didn't reply at all! That means 16 people agreed to watch. And again some people won't reply to messages after watching and some will say 'Thanks but no thanks' That is TOTALLY fine! But if you do this every single day, that's 60 people a month! If out of that 60 only 10 want to hear more and you sign up only ONE new consultant - that's amazing - that's one new consultant you might not have had! All because you sent just TWO messages a day!

Now this is how I am going to ENVP! I am doing this as a MINIMUM! And I am going to teach my team to do the same, then teach them how to teach their teams. It is so unbelievably simple. Out of messaging two people day you open the door to more new business builders, PC's clients and hosts!

This business really is a gift, it is your job to share it with as many people as possible and help them see what it is that we really do! We do not just flog a bit of lippy. We are leaders, dreamers, believers, supporters, coaches, confidants and close friends! We are an incredible Arbonne family!

Friday, 12 June 2015

The One Year Review

Tomorrow marks my 1 year Arbonne anniversary, so I decided to do a review of the past year. Look at where I was then and where I am now. Most people would look and think, well back then she was a consultant and a year one, she is still just a consultant! But I can tell you I am so much more than that!

Back then I was a consultant who was nervous, unsure about the future, not overly confident in myself and who I was. I was floundering about in a vast ocean with no direction whatsoever. Now I have a laser sharp focus, I know exactly where I am going and over the past year I have been collecting the tools I need to make that journey! I am so much more confident in myself. I know what my future is, I know where I will be, who I will be and what I will have! 

I have not been 'failing' this past year, I have been learning new skills, growing as a person. Learning to take so called 'failures' and turn them around to my advantage. Everything, good or bad is a learning experience. 

Arbonne has given me so much more than just a business. It really has helped me in so many other areas of my life. As some of you know I started this business because I was looking for an additional income to cover my loss of earning as my kidneys are slowly failing and I will eventually need a transplant. Back then I had no idea when that time would be could be in a few years, could be in 10-15 years! 

Since September, my kidney function has had a very steady decrease, over the last 10 months, I have had a 7% drop. I've gone from 31% function in September to 24% at my latest appointment on Monday. When I asked about a rough time frame I as given 2-3 years! Now this is an estimate and there is a small chance my kidneys could stabilise and I can have longer, but based on the evidence, that's unlikely to happen. 

I am absolutely going to be an RVP by the time my kidneys fail! That is not a promise, it is a stone cold FACT! I don't know what's going to happen with me, if I can have a living donor and avoid dialysis, or whether I am going to end up on the waiting list for a few years and have to have dialysis. What I do know is, that when it does happen, I will not be stressing over having to work (trade my time for money), I won't be worried about being able to afford the bills.

Here is one of my vision boards, I have this on my desktop and see it every day. I read it everyday!

At this moment in in time I am messaging 2 new people a day using the Fact, Believe, Feel, Ask system. I am making sure I read daily and listen to an audio daily. I am aiming for 2,500 QV per month and making sure I teach these to my team to do the same. I am aiming to do 2 parties a month, sign up 4 new PCs a month (min 150 PQV) and 1 new IC (min 1,000 PQV)a month. Now, I know full well that I may not get this every single month without fail, but I also know if I don't aim for it, then I DEFINITELY won't get it! I have a goal and a plan. 

I have also decided that I am going to commit to doing a book review blog EVERY month. To keep me on track with my 10 pages a day (sometimes at the weekend I 'forget') *Naughty Naughty* So on the 1st July I will be reviewing Prof. Steve Peters, The Chimp Paradox, I am on page 237 of 346. That is 109 pages in 18 days. It would be lovely to hear your reviews of this book, any recommendations of books you have read or any suggestions of books to read. Here is what I have read so far and what I want to read.
  • Go Pro (Obvs)
  • The Success Principles 
  • The 45 Second Presentation
  • The Slight Edge
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • The Four Year Career
  • Business of the 21 Century 
On the 'must read' list
  • Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway
  • The Compound Effect
  • How to Win Friends & Influence People
  • Failing Forward
  • 7 Habits of Highly Successful People
  • No Excuses
  • The Flip Flop CEO
  • Beach Money
  • The Secret
  • Why We Want To Be Rich
Here is to the next 12 months! 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

DM Quals and tonsilitis!

Eeek! I am so proud to say that my new business partner is now in District Manager Qualification! A huge well done to her, I am so excited about what this business can do for her and how far it will take her. Ruth has an amazing supporting network around her, not to mention the best Mum and Dad... EVER!

Ruth put in a small business order, the Cosmetics Success Pack, great choice being that she wants to run a makeup artistry business as well! So, anyone else who does this alongside a makeup business, if you have any advice, that would be amazing! We booked in 3 launch parties and got training underway. Ruth got her "Why" done and sent me to straight away, she has been so open, honest and coachable, not to mention driven and determined. Amazing qualities to have in this business!

I was a so a bit nervous doing her first launch as I had only ever really done two and that was way back in July. The first launch we did more of a business presentation, her parents were there, so I wanted them to really see and understand this business. It was a great success and everyone was supportive.

between the launches we did more training, the presentation, her 60 second story, talked about the importance of personal development, and a lot of reassurance that this business does have it's ups and downs and that it's all part of the journey!

Her 2nd launch, I was beginning to not feel too well, but it was a Friday evening, so I had a paracetamol and we set up a makeup workshop! Ruth did her 60 second story and was brilliant! I did the main bulk of the workshop, but had created a guide to follow with prompts and information about the products. Ruth spoke about the products she had tried and explained why she loved them, then she did a fabulous make over for one of her guests, and gave the other guests, helpful hints and tips to applying the perfect makeup! Including... "Backwards 3!" Love it!

The next afternoon was her 3rd launch, and I was dead on my feet! I was so ill, fever, sore throat, painful ear! I had paracetamol, honey and lemon, and an anaesthetic throat spray to keep me going. I took a huge step back for this one, and Ruth managed to take the reins, she followed the guide and did an AMAZING job. Although she did give one guest the RE9 Restorative Day Cream, instead of the Regenerating Toner and told her to spritz her face... Two pumps and cream went everywhere!! Everyone cracked up, it was a fantastically funny moment! Everyone commented on how well she did, even with the little blip. She talked about the products, helped her guests and took all the orders!

After everyone had left we sat down and I showed Ruth how to process the orders on the system, after inputting a few of the guest orders, the website decided it didn't want to play ball! By this point I was shivering so badly and burning up, I had to go home. I talked Ruth through what to do and what host rewards had been earned and advised her to keep trying to put it through and that I would help her with the host rewards.

Later that evening I got a text, she had processed everything, even the host rewards, by herself. But had one very minor issue! This was dealt with and she completed her guest orders and host rewards, and stormed in to DM Qual!

Now the real fun begins. We have another training this morning, a fabulous team Zoom call with the incredible Tamlyn and Andrew, then Thursday night, region training with the lovely Hayley Waghorne! Then next week her first 121 is booked in! I am determined to get Ruth to District as soon as possible, she has what it takes and she will go far!