When I started this business my imagination went nuts! Seriously, I could see so many different ways to incorporate this business with other things. I was on to a winner! I was always trying to think outside the box. The problem with thinking this way is, you get so consumed with trying to think outside this so-called box, that you don't even realise... There is no box! Things just are what they are! However, as I said, I was 'thinking out the box'
This continued on way in to this year and until recently. I was getting amazing ideas and trying to do them and not getting much back from it. I was putting in a lot of unproductive work, lots of planning and organising with not a lot in return. Don't get me wrong, I did get some results, but when you look at the amount of work I did, the results were not reflective of how much I had put in.
I was most definitely over complicating things! When my sister passed away, as I have mentioned previously, I took a break. I didn't want to completely stop, but just take it easy. I literally read, listened to audios and chatted casually to people. Nothing complicated, nothing extravagant, nothing super 'creative' just chatting.
Over the past few weeks I have started seeing some great results. I am becoming more confident in speaking to people and I am understanding this business so much more. I heard this business was simple, don't reinvent the wheel, keep it simple, I heard all of that, but I guess I didn't actually comprehend just how simple it really was. Until I took a break and stripped everything back to the bare minimum. Now I can see, there is no box! This is what it is!
I will still do different things now and then, because that it just me. I do enjoy being creative, but now I know there is no box, I can continue to keep it simple, and just do little bits here and there, doing things I enjoy and just see what happens. I am still talking to my network, arranging one to ones and doing product events, I am still keeping it simple!
There are times when I am booking in one to ones and get worried that once I have booked these in, my network will have 'run out' but then I get a grip of myself. I remember, there is no box. My network of people are not in a box and once everyone is done that's it. There is no box! Out of 4 one to ones this week, 2 of them I didn't even know this time last year, in fact, one of them I only met a month or so ago! I have become really good at meeting and talking to people and exchanging numbers.
This business is not hard, there is no box to think outside of, there no physical barriers or obstacles. There is simply an incredible company with incredible products. Things can be challenging, but that's all it is, a challenge for you to figure out. But no BOX! I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for me. I am so excited!
Sorry, tell a lie. There is ONE box!