Tuesday, 19 May 2015

There Is No Box!

I am a very creative person, I love doing all sorts of crafts and making things. I am in my element when surrounded by glue, wood, paint, ribbon and glitter. I am a little girl at heart who loves to make things pretty! I am always thinking of things to do that are different and inventive.

When I started this business my imagination went nuts! Seriously, I could see so many different ways to incorporate this business with other things. I was on to a winner! I was always trying to think outside the box. The problem with thinking this way is, you get so consumed with trying to think outside this so-called box, that you don't even realise... There is no box! Things just are what they are! However, as I said, I was 'thinking out the box'

This continued on way in to this year and until recently. I was getting amazing ideas and trying to do them and not getting much back from it. I was putting in a lot of unproductive work, lots of planning and organising with not a lot in return. Don't get me wrong, I did get some results, but when you look at the amount of work I did, the results were not reflective of how much I had put in.

I was most definitely over complicating things! When my sister passed away, as I have mentioned previously, I took a break. I didn't want to completely stop, but just take it easy. I literally read, listened to audios and chatted casually to people. Nothing complicated, nothing extravagant, nothing super 'creative' just chatting.

Over the past few weeks I have started seeing some great results. I am becoming more confident in speaking to people and I am understanding this business so much more. I heard this business was simple, don't reinvent the wheel, keep it simple, I heard all of that, but I guess I didn't actually comprehend just how simple it really was. Until I took a break and stripped everything back to the bare minimum. Now I can see, there is no box! This is what it is!

I will still do different things now and then, because that it just me. I do enjoy being creative, but now I know there is no box, I can continue to keep it simple, and just do little bits here and there, doing things I enjoy and just see what happens. I am still talking to my network, arranging one to ones and doing product events, I am still keeping it simple!

There are times when I am booking in one to ones and get worried that once I have booked these in, my network will have 'run out' but then I get a grip of myself. I remember, there is no box. My network of people are not in a box and once everyone is done that's it. There is no box! Out of 4 one to ones this week, 2 of them I didn't even know this time last year, in fact, one of them I only met a month or so ago! I have become really good at meeting and talking to people and exchanging numbers.

This business is not hard, there is no box to think outside of, there no physical barriers or obstacles. There is simply an incredible company with incredible products. Things can be challenging, but that's all it is, a challenge for you to figure out. But no BOX! I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for me. I am so excited!

Sorry, tell a lie. There is ONE box! 

Friday, 15 May 2015

Don't Quit!

It is almost a year since I joined Arbonne and the past 11 months has certainly given me experiences from one end of the scale to the other. I have had some incredible high moments, light bulb moments and great fun, also had some very dark moments and days that I just wanted to quit! But I didn't quit!

I am still at the beginning of my journey and I know there are going to be so many more highs and light bulb moments and equally, just as important, the not so good times. But why are the not so good time equally as important as the great times? Because it's through the tough times you get to see what you are truly capable of!

When I joined Arbonne, I signed up two Independent Consultants in the first few weeks, which was good, and we were all off to the flying start, but I was most definitely was not a leader! I steamed ahead, then burned out! I take on full responsibility for not being the leader I needed to be.

Since then, I have gone on a journey and gained experiences which puts me in a much better position to be the leader, coach, mentor, friend, sponsor that I need to be. I still have so much to learn, and the beauty is, you never stop learning.

It gets said so many times, don't quit, keep going! But it is so bloody hard though! When you have had so many people be negative, say no, let you down, when personal circumstances feel too big to cope with, it is so much easier to just quit! I mean, come on, who the heck has the strength to keep getting back up again just to be knocked back down? Do you want to know the answer that? YOU! You have the strength! Each time you get knocked down you get up stronger.

Think of it this way. You have zero fitness level, and decide you are going to see what this gym lark is all about. You go for your induction, get shown how the equipment works for a couple of minutes on each machine. You leave there feeling great, you have joined something great, the system is so easy to follow, get on a machine, do your thing and get fit... How hard can it be?

You go back for your first proper session and you put in some serious work, you ache like hell, you sweated buckets, you feel amazing... You get on the scales and.... WHAT?!! I have lost NOTHING?! Are you freaking kidding me! You go back again, work even harder, ache more, sweat more... Still, nothing to show but the fact you can't sit on the loo without having to lower yourself down! Oh my lord... the pain!

You go a few more times, working hard, aching, sweating busting the gut that just won't shift! Eventually you see a teeny tiny result... You lost 1lb! Yep a whole bloody 1lb... all this work for a flipping lb! You are feeling fed up, drained physically and emotionally. You can't do this, no matter how hard you're working nothing is happening. At this point you have a decision to make....

Quit, that's it, I give up. Go back to the couch dunking the kids chocolate coins they got for Christmas in to lemon flavoured yoghurt... erm, yes, I have done this, was quite nice actually!

Or, pick yourself  up, and carry on! Focusing on your goal, keeping hold of that feeling in the pit of your stomach, THIS WILL WORK! You keep going, keep seating, keep aching, keep working. Then someone comments on how well you look, then the next person and the next person. All of a sudden people are seeing the difference in you.  All your work is now paying off,  you are much fitter than you was, you are stronger, healthier, leaner. Everything you did had an effect. You might not have seen it at first, but it was doing something. And because you didn't quit, you are now seeing the results!

DON'T QUIT! The work  you are doing now is having an effect, you might not see it right now, but it is. I am now starting to see results of my hard work, I could have quit easily, but that would have been the easy option. I owed it to myself not to quit, to not throw it all away.

I now have a lovely new consultant, and I am ready to be the leader for her that I need to be. I am still learning, and growing, but one thing is for sure. No matter how hard this gets, I am here to stay! I absolutely will be an ENVP, I will inspire people to dream, I will help them reach their dreams. This business is a gift, you owe it to yourself not to quit, you owe it to the people who you are yet to meet, you owe it to the people you are going to inspire.


Friday, 8 May 2015

Finding Strength & Not Quitting!

It has been a difficult start to this year and it has challenged me mentally, physically and emotionally. Not only did my sister pass away in February, but two days after her funeral we found out that my friend (My Husband's cousin) had breast cancer! Are you freaking kidding me!!! She is only 27 and has a little one who is only 14 months old! Talk about kicking someone when they are down

I had made a butterfly heart for my sister, something for me to keep, but when I heard about my friend I knew I needed to give it to her. My sister always wanted to help people. I went to my friend's house for lunch and gave her the little heart. Stayed for a little while, then when I got home, I had message from her. As she was clearing up, she found a single white feather on the chair I was sitting on! This gave her so much comfort and said she knew she had a guardian angel, my sister!


After all this I tried to bury my head in Arbonne, but found I was getting emotionally involved with the outcome.  I wasn't in the right head space so I took a bit of a break. I have carried on reading, listening to audios, and kept up to date on the source. I slowly found myself just chatting about Arbonne and recommending various things when having conversations.

The result of just talking to people is 1 new PC who did a 150+ QV order and 2 potential ICs (PC now wants to be a consultant) I have also been sharing results that I have had using the Evolution and had so much interest in that. A friend also asked me to host a party for them.

I then decided to throw a charity night at my house. All the commission that night would go to my Race for Life, in memory of my sister! It was an incredible night, lots of laughs and a few tears! But knowing that I was doing something good made me feel so much better. Since my charity night, and after a chat with my husband, we have decided do to one charity event each month, for a different charity. I love the fact I can do something I love, and help others at the same time. It really means a lot to me to be able to do this.

I am now not getting emotional about the outcome, but I am incredibly passionate about this company. More because of the amazing support I have had during the first few months of this year. You are all incredible women (and men) and I can't thank you all enough for the lovely encouraging and supporting messages I have had. This is truly an amazing unique company and I am so grateful to have this in my life. It is most definitely more than a business,, it's a family!

I will also, always have my sister in my mind, saying "What's the worst that can happen?"