Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Don't wait for things to happen. Make them happen!

I will be the first to admit, I have, in the past sat and waited for opportunities to come and present themselves to me. Expecting them to come right up to me and say "Hi there, I am a great opportunity!" and I have come to realise, that waiting around for something that probably won't happen is just plain boring!

I decided to book a some stalls for Arbonne at a few local events, mainly for exposure. I had my very first stall and I had done a few mock ups at home so I knew how to set up, I had a plan in place and was ready! I got to the event, excited and ready to go. As we walked through, it was a large hall, I was being taken to my allocated space and we were guided further and further towards the back... to a tiny room in the back of the hall! 

Planned outfit for the day.

Planned stall layout
All packed up and ready to go!

It was not the best location and the other few stall holders in the room were not best pleased at all, and it was visible. We set up and I was still excited, the doors opened and I was stood in front my stall, remembering all my days on the sales floor 'Acknowledge, smile and be accessible' everyone else at their stalls were sat behind massive displays, barely visible, moaning and groaning with miserable faces!



It was a very slow start, in fact so slow I wondered if there was even anyone here, so I popped my head through to the main hall, which was bursting with people. No one really came through to the back, literally a hand full of people who didn't even really look at anything. The other stall holders were getting more and more fed up, just sitting there. I decided it was time for action!

My original table collapsed in the middle, so had to get two other tables which were too long for the table cloth - Cue creative stall set up to try and hid it a bit!

If the people were not coming to my stall, then I would go to them! I had a small box full of little samples and a batch of my business cards. I went in to large hall and mingled with the crowds, I struck up conversations, spoke to people about their skin, gave them a sample to suit their needs along with my business card and told them my stall was in the back room.

After about 10 minutes, I headed back to the little room, which was now packed and the majority were people I had spoken to! There was 8 stalls in there including mine, there was a lovely lady next to me, selling gorgeous jewellery and she was very engaging and sold a few items the other 6 stall holders stayed hidden, plonked behind their displays... I didn't see them engage with anyone!

I stood in front of my stall, with my box of samples and spoke to people. I had products open on my table so people could smell all the gorgeous, fresh smells. People tried products on their hands and took samples, business cards and brochures away. I even had one lady say how lovely I was, and how nice it was for me to take time to talk to her and that most people who hold stalls just look bored! It was such a huge confidence boost for me, especially as this was my first one.

My gorgeous Consultant Maria - AKA wifey!
All in all, it was a fantastic day. Did I take any orders? Nope! Did I book any events? Nope! Did I get anyone's details? Nope! Did I learn a great deal and was it worth while? Heck YES! I could have sat back, and waited for people to waft through and have my energy sucked out of me. But I didn't, I did not wait for an opportunity to talk to people... I made the opportunities happen. I was pro-active and didn't let a teeny little thing like a poxy back room stop me from my main focus of exposure and conversations!

I also came away with ideas on how to get details, and promote a bit more about events people can host. I am excited for my next stall, I can put my new ideas in place, amend some of the things that didn't work and do more of the things that did.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Embracing failure and moving forward!

FAILURE! Yikes, what a scary word! We have all  been brought up to view failure as the worst thing in the world. We seem to spend our lives trying so hard not to fail at anything, basically, living our lives trying to do the impossible!

If you learn every time you fail, then it was not a failure, it was a lesson! Hmm, Lesson, now that is a better word! I like 'lesson' and I can tell you now, I have had many, many lessons! I have even had a few 'duplicate' lessons as I did not learn the first time!

I posted a while back about a great opportunity that was given to me, and at first it all seemed fantastic, an opportunity I could not pass up! It was a huge, massive and very important 'lesson' I learned that I was not super woman, that I couldn't do everything. I learned that sometimes I have to come first and that it is okay for me to say no! I learned to embrace the lessons life was giving me!

One particular lesson that was very difficult, but extremely necessary, was an event I had planned! I contacted about 20 people and invited them all to my house for a fabulous evening, I had 10 people wanting to come and 6 confirmed that they would definitely be there! On the night 6 turned to 4 as 2 people were unable to make it!

Setting up for a fun, pampering evening!

I wasn't put off, I was still very positive about the evening, I set everything up, got the nibbles out, opened up the lovely bottle of fizz I had bought, and waited! I waited some more! I waited for about 30-45 minutes and decided to call the 4 ladies who had not arrived. Not one single person answered my call, and not a single one showed up! An hour late, I was on the phone crying my eyes out! And I don't mean a little tear, I mean full on, huge lump in the throat, soaking wet face, chin quivering sobbing!

While talking on the phone, I realised a couple of things. firstly, that I wasn't actually crying because no one showed up. I was crying because I felt so worthless, that people could just pass me off and not even care enough about me to just send me a little text. Secondly, after the first blubbering, self pitying realisation, I then realised, the world had not stopped! It did not come to a grinding halt, and life as we know end! No, it carried on, like it is supposed to do!

Now, talk about a lesson, eh? So, what did I end up doing? I packed my stuff away, poured myself a big glass of the lovely fizzy stuff, and sat down with the nibbles, did I mention the nibbles were Mr Kipling French Fancies and Mini Battenbergs!!! YUM! I put on car crash TV (The Housewives of...) and thoroughly enjoyed myself! I had a chilled, relaxed evening. I regathered my energy, my positivity and now I am so grateful for that lesson. It has been incredibly valuable to me and not to mention necessary!

So, moving on from that, I decided to take it right the way back to basics! Back to the start. I started with me! I picked up my book, and began to read 10 pages! The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. I did a bit of self development every single day. I took a step back and looked my my life. I decided that the Pre-School opportunity was not for me, not now any way. Although again, I did learn a lot of new things! Especially about myself.

I made a plan for my day, making sure that I did a little something everyday, that put me in a positive direction, and not just with my Arbonne business, but with my health, money, children, husband, house, every aspect of my life. Now that sounds like a lot, but it is surprisingly easy.

I have gone from 'Being Arbonne' through and though, eating, sleeping, drinking, breathing it, to a quivering mess, overloaded with stress, anxiety and fear of failing to being calm, doing little bits of everything, everyday. I am 'not' Arbonne, I am Emma, I am a fun, happy person who likes to help others and spend time with my family. I am abitious and always strive for a better future. I use Arbonne as a vehicle to ensure I remain all these things!

I have recently watched a few training videos, and put these in to practice. My business is moving in the right direction, I have somethng in my dairy every day, whether it is a one to one meeting, follow up, product event, Zoom conference or simply a 'text day' I make sure I do not over load my day and will limited myself to a maximum of 2 pieces of Arbonne activity a day. I also ensure I read every single morning, and do some form of training everyday.

Just recently I sat and decided to make my vision board, properly! I did sort of have one, but on my computer and to be honest, it wasn't great, but it was a start. I also have my affirmations that I say, out loud, everyday, several times a day. I even randomly tell them to my husband, who at first rolled his eyes.... Now he is working on his own vision board!!

Here is what I have, so far!