Thursday, 21 August 2014

Somethings things just happen that you can't explain!

When I started this blog, I said I wanted to share my whole journey, the good, the bad and the ugly - So far it has all been pretty good! Which is fantastic, a few minor wobbles here and there but nothing major! Until this week!

Those of you who follow my blog will know that I work over 50 hours a week and right now it is the 6 weeks summer holidays, so every single weekday I have at least 4-5 children a day, for at least 10 hours a day! Add to that all the Arbonne work I have been doing and there is a lot of working hours being clocked up! And again, those who follow this blog will know I also have failing kidneys to contend with!

Last week I planned a party for Friday night and invited over 20 people... yes TWENTY people and not one single person came - Some had genuine reasons which I totally understand and others just point blank ignored me! It felt like a huge fail. But I decided to register with Zoom, and play about with it, navigate my way round and try to record my 60 second story - It was terrible!

Roll in to the weekend and the people I had planned one to ones with cancelled, so Mark and I went out on Sunday and did some cold market prospecting - It was so much fun and the buzz was incredible, but it soon died down as we went in to the week.

On Tuesday I had a product event for someone which, actually that went incredibly well, I met some lovely people and the host got £211 worth if fabulous products for £65! I got home really late and the next day I felt so ill, I felt so down and really actually just wanted to cry. I was getting mild anxiety attacks which would not go away and getting worse throughout the day. That evening I went to an opportunity meeting, we were supposed to be taking prospects... but they cancelled, Mark and I went anyway!

I got some really good advice, I then went home and instead of doing what I normally do, which is reach for the laptop and do more Arbonne before bed, I actually did nothing - I watched Celebrity Big Brother as a fellow Arbonne Independent Consultant is in it and I wanted to see if I could spot any Arbonne products!

This morning I got up and felt a bit better, but still not quiet myself - I felt like I had lost my Arbonne spark! That is until the strangest, most bizarre thing happened... I got a notification from Facebook to say someone had accepted my friend request - but the thing was, I had not even sent a request to this person. I had not spoken to them for so many years and only knew them for about 1 year! It was totally random!

I messaged him and said that I had the notification but I had not sent the request, he told me he had literally just had the request come through. I honestly have no idea how or why it happened but to cut a long story short, we got chatting, I told him about my business and I am just about to host a Zoom meeting with him!! ARGH - Talk about not prepared!

This has not just given me my spark back, this has just lit a huge box of fireworks and I am fit to explode with excitement. Now, I know he may not sign up, but actually, the fact I feel like this again, I am so over the moon! Even if this was meant to happen just to help me get back on track then, to me that is amazing - If however he does see the huge potential and signs up, then WOW! I will be utterly speechless! (There is a first time for everything)

One thing I have learned now though is, that it is okay to step back and take time to recharge. In fact not only is it okay, it is really important. Even the Duracell bunny needs to recahrge his batteries now and then!!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Your 60 Second Story

Following on my latest blog about personal growth, I was talking with my husband about his own 60 second story. He tried to write it out one evening but it was just not coming together, it was not working at all! So he decided to come away from it and leave it for a while.

Then yesteday while we were out, we got talking and I scribbled some scruffy notes, on what his 60 second story could be like, then Mark took my paper and pen and began scribbling away - he was on fire. Afterwards he read it out it and, well, here it is...

Writing out his 60 second story - so engrossed I think he forgot he even had a beer in fron of him!

I work in IT and I am married with two childen. I started working in London recently and I am enjoying the new job, but I am finding that the days are extremely long and I am now missing out on my children.
I looked in to started my own business before and I am inspired by entrepeneurs such as Lord Sugar and Richard Branson. I love the way their business started from nothing and gradually grew in to multi-billion pound businesses.
Currently my wife works as a childminder but suffers from Kidney Disease which will eventually result in her having a transplant which I would love to be able to donate to her. She had been looking for other ways to supply an additional income, as you know, one income is just not enough by today's standards.
My wife was introduced to Arbonne by her sister. I must say I was skeptical but decided to support her nonetheless, even attending her first one to one, which is where I realised I might just be able to do this with her. After all, I don't want to be left behind!


See... didn't even touch his pint - now that is dedication for ya!

Ahh, aint he just a diamond! It is incredible what sitting down and really thinking about your story does. Following the pattern of 2 positive sentences, a but, then how you found Arbonne! It is not long, or boring, it does not waffle on and is straight the the point. Now when I am put on the spot again, I will know my story, and my husnband will know his!

Tell you what, take some time out, think about your own story and share it in the comments below, I would love to hear them and it is the perfect opportunity for you to really think about what you are saying!

Looking forward to seeing your comments :)

Friday, 8 August 2014

Personal growth and self awareness!!

When starting with Arbonne I had the most amazing support, I actually cannot believe there really are so many kind, generous people out there. And I don't mean finacially generous, but time generous! I have had the most incredible support from my upline and really could not have asked for more.

But personal growth is just that, it is personal, to you! No one can grow for you, and you have to be aware of where you want to go, how you are going to get there and what you need to get there, and again not just finacially!

I had a zoom call with an up line of mine and was given loads of advice, and although I had read books, listened to audio, watched videos, and attended training, I still needed a lot of guidance. There were still things I was doing wrong or could do better.

So, what was I advised? Well first of all it was my 60 second story, now I knew what my story was, and sort of what to say, but the second I was out on the spot I turned in to a bumbling idiot - it was not pretty I can assure you! I was told that my 60 second story should be at the top of head, ready when needed. It should start with two sentences, who I am and what do I do (no mention of Arbonne and be positive) then there is the but...the reason why you wanted/needed something esle... and lastly..."then I found Arbonne.." and explain why Arbonne is going or has changed your life! So  anyway we ran through it and I was given some advice and help, this is what I came up with...

I am a married mum with two very lively boys and I am also a fulltime childminder, I love being able to work from home and I am fortunate enough to be able to spend time with my kids, but unfortunately, my kidneys are slowly failing due to a birth defect which went undiagnosed for 5 years! This means that I will eventually need a transplant and very possibly dialysis and as you can imagine, as my kidneys deteriorate I will not be in a fit state to be working 50 hours a week, and being self employed, if I do not work, I do not get paid! I needed to find something that I could do in my spare time that would eventually take over my childminding income, then I was introduced to Arbonne! At first I was relucant, I was incredibly uneducated when it came to network marketing, but of course thought I knew it all back then! After watching my sister getting started and seeing the positive changes I realised I had two options... 1 - to sit and watch her become a success and regret not giving it a go for myself ...or 2 - Leap straight in and give it everything I had, what did I have to lose...? Obviously I went for option 2 and I am so pleased I did! I cannot control my kidneys failing, but I can and  I will be in control of the  situation I am in when they do!!!

So... what d'ya think?

Now, that's my 60 second story, after going through that I was given so much advice that I am definitely going to be taking on board... especially the advice I was given regarding Facebook!! Facebook is an excellent tool - when used properly... or as I was told, it can cause you to commit social suicide, which apparently I had done... on more than one occasion - Oops!

So how do you use Facebook properly?? STOP spewing Arbonne all over your personal page - your personal page is just that, personal. Create a professional page and invite people to like it (don't force it on them though) and keep your business on your business page and your personal life on your personal page. There is nothing worse than seeing the same posts over and over again about the same thing... Now I had not done that exactly, but I did put a post up about no one coming to a party I had put on, and I was desperately asking for people to come last minute to help me... not really what a successful business looks like **blushes from behind the screen** I was advised instead to put, I suppose the word would be 'cryptic' posts, on my personal page such as "Making positive changes in your life and helping others at the same time... what could possibly be better than that!" (yes that was an actual post of mine!) This way, if people wanted to know, then they would ask.

The next big thing was time management... I am a very focused person and I always throw my entire self in to something I enjoy, so as you can imagine I filled every spare moment I could with Arbonne, learning, developing, creating relationships, getting bookings you name it, I was doing it... but I never gave myself time to just relax. If I found myself with nothing to do, instead of taking that and making the most of it, I would find something to do - usually (always) Arbonne based! Now believe me, there is only so much you can do before your body takes over and makes you stop - a few days a go I felt very unwell, I had not rested and given the state of my kidneys that was not a good place to be in, so now I am learning to manage my time - I will be making sure that I schedule in some 'quiet time' 'family time' and 'arbonne time'

And speaking of time management... it is now Friday evening and almost 9pm - time to enjoy some wine with the husband! Have a lovely weekend - Cheers!