Saturday, 28 June 2014

Doesn't always go to plan!

The other day I received all my lovely little samples and got things ready for my two launch parties. I absolutely love getting my Arbonne packages, feels like Christmas, it's so exciting.

I got an FC5 sample set and a Calm sample set (I didn't need the RE9 as I got that when I signed up) I also got a Product Knowledge Training Manual AKA the bible!

I  just had to show this, I cannot describe how amazing this stuff is. I absolutely love it!

My lovely little business card holder!
A day or so before my launch there was a video chat with a lady who talked about how she did her presentations/parties and she talked about putting a £1 in a purse and did something with it, I was a bit confused about it worked, but liked the idea of a little purse or something, so I decided to get some pretty little gift boxes and fill them with black tissue paper and one of my little samples. I will explain why in a bit, but in the mean time... Look... how pretty are these?

Ideally I wanted all green boxes but they didn't have enough so went for purple and green. I also got some pretty butterflies and gorgeous vanilla candles!

Little sample hidden inside.
I love making things look pretty, I like to look at the little details as I really think it makes you stand out. People remember the little touches. For the launch I got some black face cloths and black hand towels, you do not need to spend a lot on these. You can have whatever colour you want, but personally I think black is best, it looks elegant, and they are going to be used to take peoples make up off and the last thing you want is a grubby white face cloth... eww!!

I could have just placed the face cloths on the table, but where is the fun in that? Anyone can do that, so I decided to make them look pretty and put little fake flowers in the top... Because after the facial they will feel 'fresh as a Daisy' 
I also got a black table cloth, cosmetic mirrors, large ramekins, hair bobbles, head bands, cotton pads, cosmetic sponges, pretty paper, nice black pens and a box little tissues. I placed the ramekins to the side of where people will be sitting, and inside there was a hair bobble if they want to tie their hair back, some cotton pads if they prefer to use them rather than fingers, a cosmetic sponge if they wanted to try the make up afterwards, and the hair band as laid just around the ramekin. I put the mirror, paper and pen in front of them. This is not the finished table, but just an idea of what we had.... Can you see the pretty boxes in the middle? 

Finished table, there is a product catalogue and a face cloth for each uest - I was supposed to put the hand towels on their chairs but forgot and ended up getting them halfway through... ooops! There was also an RE9 and FC5 display on opposite corners of the table!
So, as the guests arrived Rachael and I had an informal chat, and offered them drinks, it was all very calm and relaxed. After about 15 minutes we sat at the table and everyone got comfortable, we showed them what they had in front of them and Rachael introduced Arbonne and gave a brief history. We then filled large bowls with warm water, which each guest had in font of them. Rachael then asked about their skin, and and issues or sensitivity they might have. Once it was established that no one had any issues, each guest was given a little bit of the RE9 smoothing cleanser and asked to wash their face.

We went through the whole regime trying out various products along the way, testing them on our hands and arms, having a good smell of them and just enjoying the evening and chatting about the products. Rachael talked about each product, explained what it was, what it was good for and tips on how best to use it.

Now for the boxes!!! After the pamper session we got the guests to each pick a box and look inside. As you know hidden inside were different samples. These were for the guests to keep but they had two options... Keep the little sample and that's that. Or... Book a party that night and take their little sample home, and then on the night of their party, I would bring a full sized version of what was in their box as a thank you... be careful what you put in the box though and check the price of the full size one first... I did not do this and the lady who booked a party got an FC5 night cream, which is £43! Ooops! Never mind though, lesson learned :)

On the whole it was a great night, we signed up two preferred clients, and everyone placed an order. As my husband was the 'host' he was very generous and let me have his host rewards ;) I got £120+ worth of amazing products for a mere £40! I got one free gift, one at half price and then £65 worth of stuff for £20!

So all in all an amazing night... However, not everything goes to plan, which is okay, it's not a problem, it's not a negative! 

My 2nd launch party, which was supposed to be today at 1.30pm... but no one came... not one single person, well apart from Rachael... But you know, it ended up working out brilliantly as we went through how to do 1-2-1's chatted about the business. I learned so much more stuff! So, a so called negative, became a brilliant positive!

Always remember... Quitters never win and winners NEVER quit! 

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

All coming together - exciting times!

So, yesterday my RSVP (Right Start Value Pack) arrived. The RSVP is usually £257 but I paid £200 and had another £200 to spend as well - So basically, I paid £200 and spent £400! Happy days!!

RE 9 Advanced set, Calm set, FC 5 new cell scrub, SeaSource foaming salt scrub, RE 9 firming body lotion and a make primer - which by the way is amazing!!

So, when I signed up and paid £54 I received some catalogues, RE 9 samples, invitations and lots of literature. I also got some samples sent to my from my sponsor. I then spent the £200 for the RSVP. And here it all is... I was so excited putting this little display together!

So, here it all is... well not all of it as I couldn't fit it all on the table, but this is most of it - Just left out a lot of the literature .
Yesterday I also ordered a few of my own samples, an Arbonne water bottle 'cause it looked fab, and I ordered some business cards from Vistaprint. Altogether I have spent £384 - that was my choice to spend that much - I did not have to buy samples or business cards, but I felt that I would benefit from having these. If I did not get these I would have only spent £264 (£54, £200 and £10 delivery)

Here is my smart looking business - I also ordered 'return address labels' so I can stick them on my samples, these just have my details on such as contact details and Arbonne ID.

In case anyone spots it, I did spell my facebook address wrong, but it was too late to change it, it was supposed to be emmas instead of emaas *Ooops*

Hopefully I will get my cards in time for my launch party, thankfully I didn't order too many so I can rectify my mistake before having to order more! Still can't believe I did that!! But never mind, it's done now.

I just have to get a few little nibbles for the parties, not much, just some small picky bits. I really can't wait until Friday - I have a new sofa being delivered today and I am not working tomorrow so will be mainly tidying up and making the place look pretty - unfortunately when you look after up to 6 children the place rarely looks pretty, as you can imagine!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Putting things straight!

I just wanted to clear a few things up! Now, like most people going in to something new, I like to do my research. Whilst looking about I found a few bad reviews about Arbonne, particularly the business aspect!

A lot of people were saying things like

  • "You HAVE to pay £1,500 to sign up and buy all the products" 
  • "You have the pester your friends and family to sign up to become consultants" 
  •  "You have to spend money each month on Arbonne products in order to qualify for commission"
  • "Arbonne is a pyramid scheme and a scam"
After reading all the stories I was totally shocked and it is such a shame, as I can honestly say this has not been my experience at all. It seems more likely that they have been unfortunate to come in to contact with an Independent Consultant who was not entirely aware of the code of ethics and the terms and conditions set out by Arbonne.

First of all, my sister is an Arbonne Independent Consultant and has been since Feb, and not once did she pester me to sign up! When I did decide to sign up I was advised -not told- to get the RSVP (Right Start Value Pack) which has an SRP (Suggested Retail Price) of £257, this is a set containing some of Arbonne's flagship products, the RE9 range. 

The RE 9 Advanced range

Calm range - this is my favourite as I have sensitive skin!

This is everything I got in my RSVP - Remember the RE 9 set is worth £257!

I have to say, I love, love, love this stuff - It feels like velvet and is just gorgeous!!

Look at all that lovely stuff - So as I said, the RE 9 is worth £257, but as you can clearly see, I got a lot more than just one set of products! Did I spend £1,500 on it all? Heck no!! I spent £210 - including delivery! So, being pestered by family - erm NOPE! Having to spend £1.500? Hahaha NOPE! 

As I only parted with £210 to get set up I am aware that the money I earn in the beginning, I will more than likely re-invest so I can increase the products I physically have to show people, and also use personally! But there are some great incentives, my sister was just given £400 worth of Arbonne vouchers to spend, that was on top of her commission! 

This brings me on the to other things people were saying, "You have to spend money each month to qualify for commission!" and "Arbonne is a pyramid scheme". Now, this might get a bit confusing, but stay with  me, and we will get through this! 

When you sign up with Arbonne, all the products are given points called QV (Qualifying Volume) and there is also something called PQV which is Personal Qualifying Volume. When anyone purchases anything with your ID, you will earn QV (as well as a % in commission), so the more people (clients) who buy, the more QV you will accumulate, if you sign up a consultant, you will also get their QV as well! But that does not mean you can you sign up a load of consultants, sit back and relax on top of a pyramid while they work... Oh no! You also have to work,  you have to make sure you get at least 150 PQV a month... now this does not mean you have to personally spend money to achieve this, but it is your direct clients, who order using your number!  

As for the pyramid... as you become more established, working hard, earning money and QV, you will move up, however if you do not put the effort in, you will not move anywhere and you could find that the consultants you signed up (your downline) are now over taking you! Oh and another teeny, tiny, minor point to make... pyramid schemes are illegal in the UK and Arbonne is also registered with the DSA (Direct Selling Association)

Since joining, I have done a lot of reading, talking, training and been given so much support and advice from my upline. hopefully if you are reading this and debating on whether to join or not, just remember everywhere and everyone gets bad reviews, does not mean it is a scam. Google reviews for well known brands and see what you find :)

Please keep in mind that this is my own personal journey and my own personal experience, not a set of rules to be followed ;)

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Wow! Love at first try!

Most Arbonne Independent consultants will have actually used or at least sampled a range of Arbonne products before actually signing up to be either a client, preferred client or consultant. I am slightly different. I only had one very brief, but exciting encounter with Arbonne!

One day my son came out in a huge rash in the creases on his arm, and his whole torso, I took him to the doctors and they said it was Eczema. They prescribed some steroid cream and it went after about 3 days. After talking to Karen about it, she sent me some ABC Nappy Cream and said it was really good for Eczema, but by the time I got it, it had cleared!

Roll on a few weeks and my son came downstairs complaining his arms were hurting, his eczema had flared up. I got the little sample tub that my sister sent and applied a fair amount on, it is really really thick so a little goes a long way! The next day it was gone, totally absolutely gone! I was actually quite shocked! 

So aside from the nappy cream, I had not used anything, until today. Now I have sensitive skin so decided to use the Calm range. I used the wash this morning in the shower and was actually quite surprised at how little I needed. I am used to almost filling my palm.

Next I used the moisturiser again I did only need a small amount. This felt so lovely, and did not leave that greasy feeling afterwards... So far I am pretty impressed! I then used the eye cream, now I have issues with eye cream, making my eyes feel hot and a bit sore. My sister advised me to again, use a small amount and apply it along the socket line. I did as I was told and and actually, it was okay, no tingling burning feel whatsoever!

Right, so that's the base work, now time for the primer, foundation and mineral powder. I usually use a mouse foundation as I like the coverage it give, I bit of a red mark on my cheek and I hate it. All the make feels really nice and goes on very easily, it does not feel too heavy either and the coverage is amazing! Well, I won't say any more, I will let the next couple of  pictures do the talking!

As you can see on the first picture the redness to my cheeks. the second picture was taken in natural light, right in front of my window, no effects, no special lighting, no touch ups whatsoever, just me, my face and Arbonne make up!

The lip colour was a sample lip polish, now I am not keen on the colour for me, but it did feel lovely, and not sticky... I have a few other colour samples so will have a play about with a colour that suits me, perhaps a very soft pink!?

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Getting excited now!

So, I signed up to become an Arbonne Independent Consultant on Friday 13th June 2014 - Now I know some people would say that's a bad sign, but I found out I was pregnant with my first child on Friday 13th May 2005, and that turned out not so bad!!

As soon as I signed up my sister Karen, who is my sponsor, sent me a few emails containing documentation to read, got me linked up with the Whats-app group chat and advised me of all the Facebook groups to join. She also got a load of samples ready to send down to me as we live almost 200 miles apart! 

Today Tuesday 17th June, after making my 5yr old a Very Hungry Caterpillar paper plate mask for his very first assembly... tomorrow! I received a lovely little package! These are the wonderful goodies that hid inside the lovely little package! I had a look through them and could not resist trying out one of the foundations! I read through the little leaflets and sorted everything out in to a nice neat box. Unfortunately I would have to wait before really getting stuck in as I had to collect a child and get back to work.

During the day I received a message saying that my Arbonne package had arrived and was delivered to my neighbour as I was out! WOW! Two packages in one day, it's like Christmas in June! Although I had to contain myself as I didn't finish work until 5.30pm today! As soon as I could, I ran next door to collect my Arbonne package, my elderly neighbour handed me the box and said "Cor, it's quite heavy, are you growing a tree?" noticing the look on my face, he pointed out the natural look of the box and he noticed it said 'BEAUTIFUL TREE'  on the top of the box! After a little giggle I proudly told him I was an "Independent consultant for an excellent Swiss formulated, botanical beauty, health and wellness company!" and that these were my goodies! Oh that felt good! 

 Eeek! Excited! Ohhhh! Contain excitement, take photo for blog! Can't find phone! Argh! Want to open box! Where is phone? Want a photo for my blog! Ah, I know, use house phone to call mobile phone (this happens too often in my house!) find phone - on the sofa! Take photo... phew - Now the fun can begin!!!

So, here it is... my Arbonne starter kit! It has lots of samples of their flagship product, RE9 Advanced, catalogues, and some reading material! I really wanted to get stuck in there and then, but I had a childminding client due this evening, so after opening it up, having a look and taking some pics, I had to put it all away again! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get time to go through all the stuff tonight, just had enough time to write this blog! It is now almost 11.30pm and I have to be up at 5.45am! *yikes*

But before I go and find my pillow... I have my launch parties booked... yes... PARTIES, as in plural, that's right! Not one but two! My first one is Friday 27th June at 7.30pm and the other, on Saturday 28th June at 1.30pm! I have the lovely Rachael Lalji doing my launch, normally your own sponsor would do this, but as my sister is so far away and as Rachael is Karen's sponsor, she has kindly offered to help with me.

So, there you have it... Sign up done, samples and starter kit received and launch parties booked not bad going eh?

P.S. Here is my crafty handy work for my son's costume! Teamed up with a green star Onsie! This photo was taken before I remembered to cut eye holes in - yes I did forget!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Going for it!!

So, here it is! This is where it all starts, this is the beginning of my very own Arbonne Journey!

But how did it all come about? How did I find myself here? Well. we all have our own stories and our own goals in life, and here is mine.

Right now I am 3 weeks off turning 30, I have two monsters aka, children, a wonderful husband, a successful Childminding business and a small Craft side business - which is actually more of a hobby! I do have a good life at the moment and I am very much enjoying it. So why change it I hear you ask? What is it they say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

Unfortunately though, it is 'broke' well, my kidneys that is! I was born with a birth defect in the valves which connect the kidneys to the bladder, this went undiagnosed for almost 5 years. I had an operation to correct the defect, but by this time, the damage was already done.

I grew up with a normal childhood, no issues with my kidneys and as the years went on I barely even gave it a second thought. That is, until I was 20 and a routine check up showed my blood pressure was very high. Fast forward 10 years, I am now sat here with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease, taking so much medication and facing the fact that I will need a transplant and possibly dialysis in the near future.

So, how did Arbonne come about? Now this is good... My sister called me up one night to ask what I thought of this 'new business' she was looking in to. To say I was skeptical is an understatement of epic proportions... Arbonne? What the heck was Arbonne, never heard of it, obviously a bogus company, or one of these dodgy get rich schemes! Right? Wrong!

My sister decided to take the plunge and go for it! After literally hours of talking on the phone... and I do mean hours! I slowly started to open my mind and actually really listen to what my sister was saying! Could this 'dodgy get rich scheme' actually be a legitimate business opportunity? Surely not, this needed more investigation and research!

Hmm! Now, it is not often I admit I am wrong - mainly because I never am - but on this occasion I will admit defeat... I was wrong! Ouch that hurt!

So, after all my research and admitting I was wrong I decided to do it, I went on the to Arbonne website and started my journey. My goal is now to be earning enough money to be able to give up childminding before my kidneys fail! So the race is now on!

Follow me on my Arbonne Journey, where I will share all my highs and lows. I am under no illusion that this is going to be plain sailing and I am willing to put the hard work in, I have the determination to make this a success. It's not a case of wanting, but a case of needing to be in a financial position where I can work when I am well, with hours to suit me and not being in a position of letting parents down when the time comes for me to have a transplant.

So, here we go... I am now an...